Pokemon Yellow

Pallet Town:
>Meet Professor Oak and get your pikachu, then you will
fight your rival for the first time. If you lose it's OK, but try
your best to beat him. You'll get your pokedex after
bringing Oak his parcel from Viridian, then go to your
rivals house and grab the map off the wall, before you leave
town to the north.
Route 1:
>Your first foray into the tall grass! Talk to the people you
find along the way for a free item and continue north Until
you reach Viridian city.
Viridian City:
>You can heal your pokemon at the pokemon center, then
go to the pokemart and pick up a package and take it back
to Pr Oak. Deliver it to him and return to the pokemart to
buy items, finally. Grab whatever you need (Pokeballs
would be good to start) and head north to Route 2.
Route 2:
>Now you can start capturing pokemon! Give it a try!
There's lots of battles here and in Viridian Forest, so don't
be afraid to go back to the city and heal up when you need
Viridian Forest:
>There's lots of good items here, so get as many as you can.
Pewter City:
>Time to fight your first member of the Pokemon League- a
familiar face to any one who watches the Pokemon Cartoon.
Heal your pokemon at the Pokecenter, stock up at the
Pokemart and take him on. I f you lose you need more
training. Head back to Route 2 and get your pokemons
levels up before challenging him again. Once you defeat
him, you'll get TM 34 and the Boulder Badge, and you'll be
able to move on east to Route 3.
Route 3:
>Lots of trainers to fight on your way to the entrance of
Mount Moon. Be sure to drop off at the pokecenter close to
the mouth of the cave to heal before heading inside
Mt. Moon:
>Put Pikachu at the front of your party; his electric shocks
will take out those Zubats quickly, sometimes even in one
hit. Fight your way through this dungeon, and when you
come to the fossils you can only grab one of them; just be
sure to remember which one you grab. Later in the game it
will become a pokemon, but you'll have to start a new game
or trade with a friend to get the other Pokemon from the
fossil you didn't choose. You will also have your first
encounter with Team Rocket just after you grab your fossil-
be ready for them. They have Meowth, Koffing and Ekans,
just like in the cartoon!
Route 4:
>Not much to say here; head east for Cerulean City.
Cerulean City:
>Don't miss the girl in a house close to the pokemon center;
she will give you a Bulbasaur! Once your ready, head to the
gym and take Misty and her water pokemon with your
pikachu! Beat her and the Cascade Badge and TM 11 are
yours, you can't get a bike at the bike shop just yet.
Remember where it is since you'll be back soon. The only
way you can exit (For Now) is to the north up to route 24.
Route 24:
>Fight your way past all the trainers on the bridge and it's
your Rival again! Beat him up and don't miss getting a
Charmander from the guy in the upper-left corner of this
route, before heading, right and down Route 25.
Route 25:
>Lots of trainers here, you may need to head back to the
city a few times to heal up. When you finally make it past all
of them you'll find Bill's House. Talk to him (notice
pikachus surprised expression?) and activate the computer
when he asks you to. Talk to him again now that he's human
and he'll give you a ticket to board the SS Anne! Cool! Now
head back to Cerulean City and you can pass through that
house in the upper right of the city that was blocked before.
Head South to Route 5.
Route 5:
>If you want, you can go down the center of this route to
find the pokemon Day Care Center, where you can leave
your pokemon to be slowly trained for you, but it will grow
up weak so it's not recommended. You should capture an
Abra here before you leave if you can though.
Route 6:
>When you emerge at Route 6 you can only go two
directions , north or south. You can't go through the gate to
the north yet, so go south past a few trainers to Vermilion
Vermilion City:
>Explore the town fully before you do anything else. You
will get a Bike Coupon and a Fishing Rod just for chatting a
couple of people up, and print out your pokemon on your
Game Boy Printer at the Pokemon Club! Another lady
wants to give you here Squirtal, but she isn't quite sure yet.
Just be patient, you'll get her Squirtal from here soon
enough. Buy plenty of items and head to the SS Anne down
the dock south of town. There are a lot of items on board the
SS Anne, as well a quite a few rich pokemon trainers, so this
is a good time to fight as much as you can. You'll face your
Rival again on the second floor before you meet the Captain
and get HM 01 from him- be careful though, once you leave
the ship with HM 01 you can never come back!
Vermilion City (AGAIN):
>Back in Vermilion City you can use HM 01 on one of your
pokemon to teach them the CUT ability. Now take out that
tree next to the gym and you can get in to face Lt. Surge!
Search all the trash cans to find the first switch, then once
you find it, save your game. Try any trash can next to it- if
there isn't another switch reset your game and try another
trash can next to the first one. Keep doing this until you find
the second switch and the door opens. Beat Lt. Surge for the
Thunder Badge and TM 24. Now you can go talk to the lady
in the middle of the city and she will give you Squirtle!
Route 11:
>There's s couple of things you can get in the building at the
end of this route, but probably not yet. If you want you can
fight a couple of trainers, but head into Diglett's cave (with
your pokemon who has the CUT ability) when you are
ready to move on.
Diglett's Cave:
>Lots of Digletts and a few Dugtrios are all that stand
between you and the end of this long wandering cave.
Route 2/Viridian City/Pewter City (Again)
>Lots of little errands to do now. Back at Route 2 now on
the other side of it that you couldn't reach before, find one
of Pr. Oak's helpers in the south building and get HM 05 as
long as you have captures 10 pokemon. Now retrace your
steps through Viridian City and up to Pewter City, where
you can now get into the research lab at the top since you
have the CUT ability. Get the Old Amber there and
continue to Cerulean City, get your Bike and now you can
head east to Route 9.
Route 9:
>Fight your way through the trainers here and you'll find a
Pokecenter close to the entrance of the Rock Tunnel. Heal
Up and save and remember this spot; there is an optional
area to the south know as The Power Plant south of this
route once you have the SURF ability. You'll want to come
back to here later, for now head into the Rock Tunnel.
Rock Tunnel:
>Use HM 05 on one of your pokemon to give them the
FLASH ability, then use FLASH to see your way through
this cave. It's not to hard to find your way through this
tunnel but there are some very tough opponents here, so be
careful and remember the Pokecenter is just outside the
entrance if you need help.
Route 10:
>One of the shortest routes in the game. If you are hurt just
try to avoid the other trainers and you'll make it to
Lavender Town in no time.
Lavender Town:
Don't miss the Pokemart here for a few new items, but there
isn't much else to do here just yet. You won't get far in the
Pokemon Tower Dungeon here without the special item you
don't have yet, so you'll have to just skip it now and go west
to Route 8.
Route 8:
>You can't use the gate all the way to the left of this route
yet, so go to the building just above it to find the
underground path to Route 7.
Route 7:
>Another really tiny route. Just head west into Celadon
Celadon City:
>Lots and Lots of different things to do here. There's the
giant department store with several floors of item shops,
many stocking special trinkets you can't find any where
else. Make sure you buy a couple of the drinks on the top
floor, so you can give them to those thirsty gate guards that
keep stopping you. If you want to play slot at the Game
Corner, find the guy in the Upper-Left corner of the bar in
the row of buildings below the Game Corner. He will give
you a Coin Case, and now you can play. Visit the building
next to the game corner and you will find a nice array of
some very rare pokemon for sale-but you will have to win a
lot at the game corner or change a lot of money at the game
corner counter to be able to buy them. Up at the top of the
city, find a hole in a row of bushes and enter into the back of
the building there. Follow the stairs up and you will find the
incredible Pokemon Eevee on a table at the top. If you think
you're ready you can take on the Pokemon Gym trainer
Erika to get the Rainbow Badge and TM 21. Explore
around and talk to everyone you can, then when your ready
for the next Giovonni challenge, talk to the man by the
poster at the top of the game corner. After you defeat him,
check the poster behind where he was standing to flip the
switch to open the door that leads to the entrance of the
Game Corner Dungeon.
Game Corner Dungeon:
>Make your way down to the fourth and bottom floor. Fight
the Team Rocket member at the top of the floor , and when
you beat him an item will appear. on the floor next to him.
That's the lift key- grab it and head back up to the elevator
on the second floor and take it down to the fourth floor.
You'll face Team Rocket again, then beat Giovonni and
you'll get the Silph Scope. Now you can see the ghost
pokemon in the Pokemon Tower back in Lavender Town, so
head back there now.
Lavender Town (Pokemon Tower):
>Now time to take on the pokemon on the Pokemon Tower
Again. Make sure your pokemon are ready to take on the
Ghost Type pokemon before you head in or you'll be in
serious trouble. Work your way across the tower from one
edge to the other and remember that the patch in the
middle of level 5 will heal all your pokemon; if you can
make it there you can use it as a mini Pokecenter. First
you'll fight your Rival on the way up, then you'll have to
face Team Rocket again at the top. Beat them and rescue
old man Fuji- he'll give you the pokemon flute to show his
gratitude. Now you can wake up those Snorlax that have
been blocking routes 12 and 16!
>You can either go two ways now- down south through
Route 12 or all the way over through Route 16. We'll take
Route 12 now, and take the Route 16 option afterward.
Route 12:
>Don't miss the small cabin here for a new Fishing Rod, and
use the Pokemon Flute to wake the Snorlax blocking the
road. If you can't capture it, don't worry. You'll have
another chance on Route 16.
Routes 13, 14, and 15:
>Not much to say. Travel to the end to Fuchsia City.
Route 16 (Optional way to Fuchsia, but HM 02 is located
>Cut the plant immediately once you come in the route and
head west, through the Gate House, to find a small cabin
and a women who will give you HM 02- the ability to FLY!
Also you'll have to wake the Snorlax with the Pokemon
Flute in order to pass. Just be sure to capture Snorlax here
or at Route 12.
Route 17 and 18:
>Not much to say. Travel to the end to Fuchsia City.
Fuchsia City:
>Either route you take you'll eventually end up at Fuchsia
City. Check at the Safari Zone to the north of town. You can
catch all kinds of rare pokemon here, but some of them like
to run away so patience is the key. Try to make it to the hut
at the end of the safari zone to find a man who will give you
HM 03 the ability to SURF! Also make sure you find the
Gold Teeth item in the safari zone. Bring them to their
owner in the house in the lower-right corner of town and
he'll give you HM 04, which will let you push
rocks(STRENGTH). Beat the local gym trainer Koga to get
the Soul Badge and then you'll want to FLY or walk all the
way back to Saffron City (that place in between Routes 7
and 8).
Saffron City:
>You'll notice that there are two gyms in this town. The one
on the left you can take any time, but to enter the right one
you'll have to beat Giovonni in the Silph Co.- but we'll get
to that in a minute. Beat the trainers in the left gym to get
your choice of two fighting pokemon- Hitmonchan or
Hitmonlee. Now, find the largest building in the canter of
town to challenge Giovonni located in the heart of the Silph
Co. building.
Silph Co:
>This area is HUGE, but if you do everything right you can
through it pretty quick and without too much fighting. First
go to the fifth floor and get the card key item. Now go back
to the third floor and take the teleporter pad through the
first door to the left (use the card key). Next you'll fight
your rival and get Lapras from the guy standing there, then
hop on the next teleporter pad to head to the top floor,
where you'll take on Team Rocket again, and then
Giovonni! Once he's beaten, talk to the man behind the desk
to receive the Master Ball. (Do not use it Save it for
Mewtwo in the Unknown Dungeon)
Saffron City (Gym):
>Now that you've beaten the Silph Co. you can enter the
right gym and take on Sabrina. Make your way through the
teleporter pads until you find her, then defeat her to gain
the Marsh Badge and TM 46. You've done everything you
can in Saffron City now, so head back to Fuchsia City and
bring pokemon with SURF and STRENGTH abilities south
of Fuchsia down the watery Route 19.
Route 19:
>Keep going until you reach the entrance to Seafoam
Seafoam Island:
>This is where your pokemon with the STRENGTH ability
is the key. Push both rocks you find on level 1 down the
holes by them and fall through the hole yourself to level 2.
Push both rocks through both holes again here, and again
on level 3. Now you can fall down to level 4 without getting
washed away. You could exit if you wanted, but if you want
to get Articuno, head to the lowest-left corner of level 4
where there are some more rocks. Push them carefully in
order so you don't get stuck, and so one rock can be pushed
down through each of the two holes here. Fall down after
them to level 5 and now swim north to find Articuno. He's
tough to catch and this is your only chance, so make sure
you save before you take him on.
Route 20:
>A short ways to Cinnabar Island. Just swim along until
you reach the island.
Cinnabar Island:
>There's lots of people to talk to in this small town, so make
sure you wander around. Check out where you leave your
fossil or old amber to come back later and have it be a live
pokemon! The gym is locked for now, so head to the
Pokemon Mansion in the upper left of the island to get the
Pokemon Mansion:
>Another big dungeon that you can sail through if you
know the right way. Head strait up the stairs to the third
floor and hit the switch on the statue there. Now fall off the
left of the two ledges on the bottom of that level and you're
back on the first floor. Down to the basement, where there's
another statue in the small room to the left. Hit it and take
the hallway around to the top, where you'll find another
statue switch. Hit it and continue until you find the secret
key. Backtrack, hitting the switches in opposite order and
back up the stairs to the exit.
Cinnabar Island (Gym):
>This gym gives you the chance to avoid trainer battles
before the gym leader by answering pokemon trivia
questions. Answer carefully, many of them sound easy but
are trick questions! If you answer wrong you fight a trainer.
Once you make your way to Blain, beat him for the Volcano
Badge and TM 38. Only one more gym to go.
Route 21:
>Swim to the end. Nothing else to say.
Viridian City (Gym):
>Make your way back to Viridian City for the very last gym
in the game and your final showdown with Giovonni. You'll
need to lead one trainer out from his starting place in this
gym in order pass by. Once you do you'll want to take the
passage to the right as you enter the gym, around the top
and to face Giovonni. Beat him for the Earth Badge and TM
22, then exit west out of Viridian down to Route 22.
Route 22:
>After another battle with your rival, head up to Route 23.
Route 23:
>If you haven't beaten all the gym trainers and gotten all
the badges you'll have to go back no and get them to pass
now. Also make sure you have a pokemon with the SURF
ability since much of this route is made up of water, and
you'll need the STRENGTH ability for the next dungeon,
Victory Road.
Victory Road:
>On the first floor, work the first rock you see over to the
right and on the trigger switch there. Continue up to level 2
by a ladder in the upper-left corner. Move the rock just
below where you come up on level 2 and onto another
switch in the corner. Follow the curving path and take the
first ladder you can up to level 3. Now take that rock just
abouve you on level 3 all the way to the left and carefully
manuver it to the switch there. Take the ladder close by
back down to level 2 where you will find Moltres, Capture
him and back on to level 3, take the raised platform around
to the bottom half of the level. Push the rock down the hole
right next to it and fall down after it. Now take that same
rock and push it left over the final switch, you can follow the
last set of latters out of the dungeon!
Indigo Plateau:
>One last stop before final confrontation. Stock up on
healing items and choose your best pokemon for the battle
ahead. You'll be facing enemies of all types, so plan
accordingly. After four battles with the strongest trainers
you've faced yet, you'll face your rival one last item. (I bet
you saw that coming) Beat him and you are the new
pokemon master!

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