you start the game the only level you can
 access is The Beach. This level has many normal
 and flying Pokémon it's got Pikachu, Doduo,
 Snorlax, Butterfree, Scyther, Meowth, Lapras,
 Eevee, Chansey, Pidgey, and Magikarp.The
 Pokemon Sign found here is Kingler it is on your
 left near the bagining of the level. After you take a
 picture of 6 Pokémon you can access the next

     The Tunnel-This level contains many electric
     Pokémon and has the only ghost Pokémon in the
     game. This level has Electrode, Kakuna, Pikachu,
     Diglett, Dugtrio, Magnemite, Magneton, Haunter,
     Zapdos, and Zubat. To acces the next level you
     have to throw Pokéfood at the electrode to your
     right after you exit the cave with the diglett. The
     Pokémon Sign here is Pinsir he is on your
     rightnear the exit of the last cave. But to take a
     picture of it you must hatch the Zapdos egg. He will
     blow up open a wall and Profeesor Oak will Tell
     You that you can now acces the next level.

 The Volcano- This level contains many nothing but
 fire Pokémon this includes Magmar, Ponyta,
 Moltres, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard,
 Growlithe, Arcanine, and Vulpix.The Pokémon sign
 here is right at the begining of the level it is on
 your left in the shape of a puff of smoke that looks
 like koffing coming out of the volcano. To access
 the next level you have to have about 15 Pokémon
 pictures but it could be more or less.

     The River- This level contains the most varied type
     of Pokémon in the game including electric, bug,
     grass, water, and virtual. This includes Pikachu,
     Poliwag, Bulbasaur, Vileplume, Psyduck, Porygon,
     Shellder, Cloyster, and Metapod. The Pokémon
     sign here is Cubone and it is found right over the
     sleepinf Vileplume. To access the next level you
     must hit the Porygon next to the button inside the
     wall with a Pester ball.

 The Cave-This is an end shot
 from the volcano but all exits
 look the same. The Cave has
 many odd Pokémon such as
 Jigglypuff, Fake Bulbasaur,
 Ditto, Koffing, Jynx, Articuno,
 Pikachu, Zubat, Grimer, Muk,
 Weepinbell, and Victreebell.
 The Pokémon sign here is
 Mewtwo you can't actualy see it
 untill you go to add bookmark
 or the oak mark . About the
 same time as the jigglypuffs
 come out look around for some
 shing star looking things take a
 picture of the big one and when
 you look at the picture it'll count
 as Pokémon sign. To access
 the next level all you have to
 do is take pictures of I believe
 about 40 Pokémon.

                          The Valley- This level contains
                          mostly water and rock
                          Pokémon including Geodude,
                          Gravelar, Goldeen, Staryu,
                          Starmie, Squirtle, Mankey,
                          Dratini, Dragonite, Sandshrew,
                          Sandslash, Magikarp, and
                          Gyrados. The Pokémon Sign
                          here is a mountain shaped like
                          Dugtrio. To acces the next level
                          you have to take pictures of all
                          the pokemon signs Proffesor
                          Oak will give you details on this
                          when you can start taking
                          pictures of them.

Rainbow Valley- There is only one Pokémon here Mew
Its basicly a long repeated ride that eventualy stops It
has no features.

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